
Any tricks up your sleeve to remove this broken “cold welded” abutment safely without ruining the connection?

The the dentist over torqued. The stripped screw was removed already. I can tell part of the abutment broke too. The abutment won't budge. I figured I would try to remove it with forceps first, and then try to cut it into pieces if it still wont move.

Any advice?


This little tool right here is MONEY. It is basically a screw that engages the threads inside the abutment and then keeps going until it bottoms out within the implant. Then as you continue to tighten the screw, it pushes the threads coronally and pops the abutment out. It is by zimmer, but i am pretty sure it can work with multiple systems.

Here is the link:

Also, one more technique one of my buddies, Ardi Pribati, suggested that endo ice can be used to to help loosen it.

Here's how what he recommended:

Can of endo ice with the plastic directional tubing attachment. Spray directly into the Ti Base access with short controlled 1/2 sec bursts until the ti base gets frosty. Allow the Ti Base to cool, then warm, then spray and cool again, repeat 3-4x before you go in with hemostat.

Finally, you can use a tapper. This is one called the Facility Abutment Placement Aid. (It is actually made for Neodent's Facility Implants) but it can be used for this purpose. You have to put it firmly up against the abutment and pull the lever – almost like a pool stick; tap it several times and then use hemostats to take it off.